Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/11 Remembered

9/11 Remembered – Where I was on 9/11…

9/11I remember waking up on the morning of September 11, 2001 to the sound of my son crying.  He was just born nearly 2 weeks ago and he was going through the phase all newborns go through.   Early mornings and late nights.   After checking on the kid, I hastily dressed for work and drove off.   The streets were empty which I felt was odd as I jumped on the highway and headed North.
I decided to flip on the Radio and listen to some tunes to help wake me up.  With dealing with Patrick I was already late so anything to get me going.   Talk radio…  kind of odd since this is the only Hard Rock station in Colorado Springs.  I flipped it to Classic Rock and caught the briefest snippet of dialog “I repeat an Airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center… we will be back to live coverage in a moment.”
I guess I was lucky that I was one of the few people on the road as I am sure I swerved.  Immediately my mind tried to process this information and in the ensuing silence, I laughed.  “Ha ha, this had to be a joke.. they really got me…”  and flipped the radio back to the hard rock station.  Talk Radio.

“What we understand is that Washington has scrambled jets to shoot down Flight 93, the plane heading towards Washington… no wait, we are now being told that Flight 93 has crashed..”
I veered onto my exit and stopped at a light.  The streets again struck me as oddly empty as I waited anxiously for the light to turn.  The broadcaster was now discussing the planes that had crashed into the World Trade Center and how people were hurling themselves out of the uppermost floors of the building to avoid the fire.  I was speechless.
I remember most the confusion.  There were so many different conflicting reports.  The numbers varied and the stories were a mess as people tried to apply reason to a situation that was unreasonable.  This was a plot device for a bad action film.   Terrorists flying planes into buildings.
By the time I finally pulled into my parking spot at work, there was uncertainty about the number of planes, who was orchestrating the attacks, and how many people had died.  There were reports that our military was shooting down  passenger jets, that the White House was under attack. That the Pentagon had been destroyed and that people were hijacking planes.  Some claimed this was all a hoax and claimed our government was behind it all.  Complete confusion.
I sat in front of my pc numbly while I waited for it to boot up.  The whole Helpdesk was speculating on the nature of the attacks.  Work was basically at a standstill and by the time I finally got into the O/S I had enough time to pull up a CNN page (after 15 or so tries) and tuned in to a live feed about 30 seconds before the second tower crumbled and fell.
I was waiting to wake up.   I knew at any moment Patrick would start to cry and I would wake up.
I looked around and everyone on our Helpdesk was glued to their monitors.  The calls started to poor into the Helpdesk as people, just waking up along the East Coast were trying to remote into Corporate but the whole Eastern Seaboard was down and internet traffic, like the rest of the traffic was slowed to a crawl, if not stopped altogether.  For some of us, this became a horrific time as we received calls from people all along the East Coast who had yet to turn on the T.V. or grasp what is happening.
“Thanks for calling ________- Technologies, yes we understand that the Internet is down.  Ma’am, I am not trying to be rude, but have your turned on your T.V.?  No, I am not crazy, please take a moment and turn on your T.V.”
For some of us on the helpdesk it was overwhelming.  There were no words to describe what was happening.  Reason did not apply here and there was no way we could begin to define the hows and whys.  I remember a girl on the helpdesk talking to the Mother of someone who worked in the World Trade Center.  She was in tears as she listened to the reaction of this mother who found out for the first time the horrific news sweeping the nation.
I felt literally like someone was standing on my chest.  We were allowed to leave early from work that day and by the time I finally got home, I remember standing outside in my driveway looking at the sky.  Empty.  The world was oddly quite as the empty skies held no passing planes.  All air traffic was grounded and I knew in my heart that from that day forth, the world would never be the same.
I would like to take a moment and thank all of the heroes of 9/11.  Not only the New York Fire Department and Police, but all of the people who worked tirelessly to support our Country.  To the families who experienced tragedy on a personal level,  I cannot possibly express how much I grieve for your loss.  From the soldiers who fought in our defense to the great people of New York… You are all heroes.   And though these simple words will never express or capture the nobility of your deeds, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart .  You set the example and remind me to believe in America and what she represents… and have faith in the people who guard her.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

5 Hollywood Movie Remakes not Worth the Bandwidth to Download

Hollywood is completely out of ideas.  There is nothing left.  The well is dry, the bottle empty.   Hollywood needs to put the comic books away, turn off the cartoons, and focus on innovating instead of offering us the same tired old choices.  Hollywood is like a Autistic Six-Year-Old,  Obsessive Compulsive Perfectionist (George Lucas?) who just can’t leave anything alone.  Sometimes perfect is perfect and needs no further help.  Sometimes movies are loved for their imperfections and not everything has to be “dark and edgy” to be exciting.  Hollywood represents the bigger is better philosophy and forgets that “if its not broke don’t fix it” can apply and regardless of how hard you try “you can’t polish a turd” is not just sage advice but a cold hard fact.  Anyways, here are 5 movie remakes that I wish Hollywood would just walk away from.

Coming Soon to a Theater Near You  - 5 Movie Remakes not Worth the Bandwidth to Download

Red Dawn Movie5.  Red Dawn –  Red Dawn was an ’80′s cult classic that saw a bunch of highschool students (Patrick Swayze and C.Thomas Howell) resort to guerilla warfare when America is invaded by Russia and it’s allies, namely Cuba.  This movie worked because this movie was right at the height of the cold war and Russia was a respected “real” enemy that struck fear into the hearts of many.  Fast forward 30 years and Russia has fallen and the world’s scariest enemy now takes the face of fanaticism and suicide bombings.  The Red Dawn movie remake was originally shot back in 2009 but Hollywood had a slight problem.  There is no common enemy to invade America  in the traditional sense aside from perhaps China and Hollywood, fearing to alienate Chinese movie goers, decided to put the movie on hold.  So for three years it has sat in limbo….
In Red Dawn 2012 they changed the script since Russia is no longer a major player and China partially owns Hollywood, they re-wrote/re-shot the movie using North Korea as the enemy invaders.  I am speechless.   North Korea could not sneak past South Korea and Japan even if it wanted to invade.  Not to mention they do not have the resources or the technology to get here.  No one is afraid of the North Korean army.  Honestly, a better movie would be North Korea invading a grocery store to feed their people.  This movie is going to suck.  It should have just continued to sit on the shelves and we could have lived on with Red Dawn being remembered for what it was.

Suck Factor: 

patriot games movie4.  Tom Clancy’s Patriot Games
:  Jack Ryan should stay a fictional book character at this point.   The problem with these movie is that Jack Ryan has become the batman of the Thriller/Suspense world.  Every movie promises a new and different Jack Ryan and there is no continuity.  Alec Baldwin was in the Hunt for Red October, Harrison Ford – Patriot Games/Clear and Present Danger.  Ben Affleck got Sum of All Fears and now.. the new and improved Jack Ryan… Captain Kirk… Um..  Chris Pine.   This hit or miss casting has caused the Tom Clancy books to largely tank and I am honestly not excited about this movie either.  Chris Pine seems a little young to be playing Jack Ryan but aside from that, if they get him for a few movies, he might be able to grow into the role.
Suck Factor: 
(I’m cheating for the next two since #4 was “iffy”)
ALF Movie3. ALF – Alf the Alien Life Form crash landed on Earth and for 4 years (t.v. run 86-90) brought us cat-chasing mischief while living with an American family, the Tanners.  ALF was a sitcom and as such, I really have a hard time seeing this as a Hollywood movie.  Being a T.V. show it felt like there was always a new lesson to be learnt for the Alien who had to adjust to living life avoiding the government and trying to fit in.  Novel at the time.  But I think if you are looking for a sarcastic alien movie with some slick humor, then the movie Paul does it better.  If you just was a cute cuddly stuffed animal who lives with a family and is full sarcasm, then the movie TED has you covered.  What I am getting at is there is nothing here that makes me want to buy a ticket.  I am not even sure which audience you would be trying to target with this movie.  Maybe the nostalgic 40+ group, but honestly, I don’t know anybody in that age group who would get excited about an 80′s sitcom turned feature length movie.  Sony Pictures Animation has obtained the rights to this movie and are bringing in the original puppeteer Paul Fusco to animate and voice ALF.. so kudos for that at least.
Suck Factor: 
Ghostbusters MovieGhostbusters 3 – Finally Dan Aykroyd is getting a chance to make his swan song movie.  For years Dan has worked to try and get this project off the ground.  Now it appears that Ghostbuster’s 3 finally has a new script (penned by MiB 3′s Etan Cohen) and a green light to make a return to the big screen.  Billy Murray declined on the movie feeling that the screenplay was not very good.  That said, if you cannot convince the main character to reprise his role, regardless of who is writing the movie, then you can’t expect to convince me to buy a ticket can you?
I loved the original Ghostbuster’s movie.  It was entertaining and funny.  For the time, the special effects were terrific and to this day I still offer the odd “twinkie” quote in casual conversation.  I really believe this is a franchise best left on the sidelines.  It had a sequel and it was done. Let it ride gracefully off into the sunset.  I can see this movie remake doing alright at the box office, but I guarantee people will leave sad.  No one wants to watch bumbling old men more likely to break a hip than catch a ghost, chase around a bunch of cgi apparitions.  And even if the movie is a transition movie where the old crew gives way to a younger generation of ghost hunters, if you are missing Peter Venkman (Murray) it just don’t work.  Regardless of the title, without Stantz, Spengler and Venkman it is not a Ghostbuster film.
Suck Factor: 
2 Robocop –  Robocop will make its way into Theaters in 2013 and bring back the tale of Murphy an honest cop gunned down in a dishonest city.  Brought back to life as a cyborg, half-man/half machine, Murphy promises to clean up the streets and the corruption, even while fighting an internal war as his human mind slowly regains consciousness and he becomes self aware.  This awareness allows him to bypass his programming and skirt the mysterious 4th directive.
The new Robocop movie promises to make Murphy more than a mouth as they have redesigned his suit for the latest reboot.  This is a mistake to me as human beings are really defined by our eyes and whats in our eyes.  ”The eyes are a window into the soul”… and with the eyes revealed, Robocop just doesn’t seem as robotic.  In the original movie I never really identified with Murphy as a man until he removed his mask and you could see his face.  This change feels like they are trying to give “face time” to the actor.  (Think Venom in Spider-Man 3).  I am sure this movie will also be a CGI fest which is a bummer as the original 1986 movie used puppets and stop animation for it’s special effects.  Additionally, I loved the campy commercials for and the other things that made the original movie such a classic.   I am wondering if in this age of political correctness if they will change the movie to tone down the drug use and violence?  I am thinking they will shoot for a PG-13 rating which will also kill the spirit of this timeless movie.
Suck Factor: 
He-Man1.  Masters of the Universe –   By the Power of Greyskull…..!!!  Yes, coming soon to a theater near you, Masters of the Universe.  The original Masters of the Universe movie was a 1987 stinker starring Dolf Lundgren as He-Man.  Not really certain which direction this new movie will take.  The original He-Man cartoon took place on the planet Eternia and Skeletor (He-Man’s nemesis) is trying to conquer the world for his own purposes.     Prince Adam, posses a magic sword that transforms him into He-Man when he holds the sword aloft and says, “By the Power of Greyskull .. I have the power.”  He-Man then battles Skeletor and protects the land from his evil deeds.
In the 1987 movie adaption, Dolf Lundgren played He-Man and the movie took place on Earth.  In the movie, Skeletor has finally conquered Eternia after stealing the Cosmic Key from the locksmith Gwildor, which allows him to gain entry to Castle Grayskull. He imprisons The Sorceress within an energy-draining field and her powers are being transferred to him. In an attempt to rescue The Sorceress, the heroes He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Teela and Gwildor are accidentally transported to Earth by the Cosmic Key. Stranded on Earth, they are faced with the task of recovering the Cosmic Key and getting back to Eternia before Skeletor can gain the power of Grayskull, but Skeletor sends his minions to Earth with the mission of beating them to the Cosmic Key, and chaos ensues as the war between good and evil is transferred to Earth.
In 2013/2014 Movie.. well, I know it is going to be filmed in the style of 300, so I am guessing the movie will more like the cartoon.  I personally believe Masters of the Universe promises to be a real stinker.  I get that Hollywood is struggling with new ideas and that they are scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with ideas and how to make money… but He-Man?  Really?  I am certain they will modernize it and take many liberties  to update the movie, but then why not just start fresh?  If you have an actor (probably Chris Hemsworth) running around in Speedos carrying a magic sword, claiming to have the power, you can’t possibly release this movie with a straight face.  In fact if Hollywood is hellbent on optioning movies from cartoon’s now that the comic movies are running dry, then option a cartoon that has some substance.  Where is my live action Robotech movie?
Chris Hemsworth could absolutely corner the market on blond headed super heroes if he gets this role and at least appeal to the female audience.
Suck Factor: 
Well, that’s it…  5 sure to be stinkers.  Honorable mention to these additional movie remakes that are currently being filmed but did not make the top 5 list:  The Evil Dead, Highlander, Star Ship Troopers, & Godzilla

Friday, August 31, 2012

Theorysmith: Weekly News 8.31.12

Republicans Crackdown on Adult Material and Throw the Election

The Republicans announced today that they wanted anti-obscenity laws  vigorously enforced.  The GOP, citing preservation of “strong christian values” as the current reason for the unrest, have added language to the official platform entitled “We Believe in America” which was released on August 29.  This platform covers everything from abortion, Adult material, to net neutrality as the Republicans identify the future direction of the party.
The widespread availability of adult material has made it harder for a generation of young men to find intimacy with their wives, he said.
“It’s a growing problem for men in their 20s,” Trueman said. “It’s changed the way their brain maps have developed. This is the way they get sexually excited.”
News Flash.. not just men in their 20′s.  I am fairly certain that men in general are not ready to give up their “indiscretions”.  The adult industry is a $10 Billion a year industry and I am fairly certain it is not just “men in their 20′s” who are driving that figure.  In America, hidden behind our “christian values” and “puritan ways” there are a few truths that the Republicans need to embrace if they want to win this election.  1.  Don’t take guns off the streets.  2.  Don’t take illicit material away from congress.  Anyways, full story here.

Introducing Smart Cells – Cyborgs Next


robotResearches from Harvard University, Boston Children’s Hospital and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have grown “self-aware” cells.   The research team placed a network of nano-scale sensors within artifically grown tissues which allow the tissues to chemically and electrically sense what is occuring in the tissue.

Growing the cells in 3d cultures, the team built networks of nanoscale sensores using silicone wires. The networks then measured signals produced by cells deep within the tissue.

This amazes me.  Imagine cells that could measure cell health and report when there is changes.  When they get to the point where they can bio-engineer cells and program them to perform different functions, I can envision the total eradication of disease as we know it.  Imaging a cell that could not only identify bad cells but annihilate cells before they have a chance to harm the body.  The future of medicine will be an amazing place for our children.  Full story here.

Coming Soon to a Road Near You…

I will end this on a funny note.  I really hope the next big thing in biking is not the pedal-less bicycle.  It is bad enough that some bicyclists will take up the road and hog a whole lane, but imagine if the biker was using this.
The idea here is that the biker is strapped in and then runs to build up speed.  When the biker achieves maximum speed, he or she then lifts their legs and glides.  Steering and braking are still very traditional of a normal bike, however the locomotion is complete foot powered. The whole contraption looks uncomfortable to me and I know there is an effort to be green, but biking is already green. Whats next?  Pedal Powered Air Planes?  Full story here.